To get an OVIX license you will need to buy it from one of our official resellers. To make it easy for everyone we made this docs page that has got every single reseller in it:
Ovix Counter Strike 2
WorldWide Dealers:
- Nexus Service
- 98 Market
- Octa Mods
- XS Keys
- HvH Service
- NVT Services
- Radiant Cheats
- RevUnity
- Noah's Mods
- lmarket
- Super Keys
- ShaFiveM
- Explosive Modz
- Infinite Modz
- GCS Cheats
- M1 Services
- Shaked-Modz
- Unlock Mods
- Game Breakers Pro
- Supreme Keys
- NVT Services
- OxydMod
- CheatLuxe
- Fannzy Shop
GTA 5 Resellers
- Nexus Service
- XS Keys
- hunter2mods
- HvH Service
- Octa Mods
- RadiantCheats
- Revunity
- Noah's Mods
- RecoveryKings
- Hunter2Mods
- lmarket
- ShaFiveM
- Hexarion
- Explosive Modz
- Infinite Modz
- GCS Cheats
- Access Solutions
- Unlock Mods
- Game Breakers Pro
- OxydMod
- Kaniio
- YuriMod
- Cheat Master
- Supreme Keys
- OxydMod
- Xeon Mods
- RetroRecoveries
- Dan Cheats
- Fannzy Shop
- TopNotch
- First's Services
- Retard Hub
RDR 2 Resellers
Worldwide Dealers:
- Nexus Service
- Revunity
- XS Keys
- Octa Mods
- Radiant Cheats
- Noah's Mods
- Super Keys
- ShaFiveM
- Explosive Modz
- GCS Cheats
- Infinite Modz
- Unlock Mods
- Access Solutions
- TG Modz
- Recovery Kingz
- Supreme Keys
- Kaniio
- Yuri Mod
- Retro Recoveries
- Fannzy Shop
Your shop is not on the list?
Contact GodFather_0001
on Discord and he will add it to the list.